
William Klose


BA (hons) Drawing, Camberwell College of Art 

William Klose's work is preoccupied with the understanding of his immediate surroundings, be that in a literal depiction of a domestic setting, city and landscapes, or a more narrative-orientated subject.                                                    

The majority of the paintings from the last decade are informed by the transition of life caught between England and Thailand. The imagery is predominantly based in Thailand, but the influences and methodology is very much rooted in the traditions of Western painting. London and the artists he grew up surrounded by, instilled a belief in the act of painting. Artists such as Degas, Bonnard, Balthus, Diebenkorn, Lopez-Garcia, to name but a few, have constantly reinforced this sense of purpose and possibility within the discipline of painting. 

Painting for him satisfies a need to understand a new environment and respond to a moment of clarity, and recall an image that has endured.  

